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“Burna Boy is an arrogant, obnoxious monster who has done nothing remotely noteworthy.” Patrick Doyle, an actor, criticizes Burna Boy.

Actor Patrick Doyle has expressed his opinion about famous Afrobeat artist Burna Boy.

According to him, the credit that they were giving to Burna boy was completely underserved. This is because he believes that the great artists like Sunny Ade, Fela Anikulapo, Mabel Fashek and others have already cleared the thorny road of music.

He also advised modern Artists on their need to be humble and respectful of their predecessors.

He ended his writing by saying that people should not contribute to the creation of an arrogant and obnoxious monster.

“The credit for the feats that appear to be puffing the likes of Burna Boy up have to be properly ascribed to the greats who cleared the thorny paths that have created pathways for his likes to walk through practically effortlessly.

Burna Boy has not by himself done anything that can be remotely described as great. He and his peers are recipients of the labours of heroes past. They need to be humble and respectful of their diligent and truly pioneering predecessors. Great artistes like SunnyAde, Fela Anikulapo, Majek Fashek, I, k. Dairo and a galaxy of others who paved the way from the 60s, to the 2000s. Greatness and great feats don’t exist in a vacuum. Let us not contribute to the creation of an arrogant and obnoxious monster.”

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